domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

Avô coruja

Minha neta, que acaba de completar 8 anos, me manda - lá de Westport, CT, USA - uma historinha escrita por ela: A casa mal-assombrada. Tudo a propósito do Halloween.
Comecei a traduzir. Desisti logo de saída, quando me dei conta de que não conseguia encontrar, em português, uma expressão equivalente a bumpy street.
Vai em inglês, mesmo.
Ela é ótima. A história? Sim, também. Mas, claro, refiro-me à minha neta.

The Creepy House

By: Bruna Augusto Silvestre

(October, 2008)

“Hey Clare!” I yelled. “Hey!” She yelled back. I raced down the bumpy street to her. “Do you want to explore the old house down the street? You know, the one with the vines growing up of it,” She asked me. “I don’t know,” I whisper. I thought for a moment or two. “Ok,” I finally decided. “But it will be rough,” I told her. We scampered up the street. When we reached the house it became suddenly dark. Lightning struck. All the houses disappeared, except the old haunted one. We glared at the old creepy vines. We glanced at the green roof. “Bad color for a roof, don’t you think?” Asked Clare. “That roof is colored wood, that green thing is moss,” I answered. Soon it started to rain. We pulled on our hoods and hurried to the porch of the house. Over the porch was a wooden shield. The old, cracked doors slowly opened behind us. When we turned around shaking there was no one that could have opened the door. We looked at each other. “No turning back now,” I said in a low voice. We slowly walked in the wooden house and glanced around the dark, shadowy room. There was a cracked window in the corner, a chair was in the middle of the room, next to it was a wooden coffee table, and a staircase was in the far left hand corner. It looked about ready to fall. Next to it was a fancy doorway that led to the kitchen. We walked closer to the stair case. BOOM!!!! We jumped. The door slammed shut and startled us. We went up two steps. Creeeeeaaaaaak. The stairs creaked. Creeeeaaaaak. We were finally up there. “Ahhhh!” I screamed. “What” Clare said frightened. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” She screeched with me. Right in front of us was a ghost, a witch, and a green goblin!!! “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” We ran down the creaky stairs, past the coffee table, and out the door. Still screaming we ran all the way to Clare’s house. We were so frightened we flopped on the couch. “Bruna!” I opened my eyes, and found myself in my bed with my mom. “You scared me,” She whispered. “It was just a bad dream,” I said after I stopped screaming. So I closed my eyes again, and Mom left my room.
Happy Halloween

Deixem-me ir pegar um lenço. Estou babando.

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